Personal space ...

Personal space ... it is so called because it includes only those people who do not behave in it as masters - they are just guests ...
And to leave a person alone - what could be easier? Do not poke your curious nose into his life and do not tell him what to do with it, do not advise, but what is better to do and what kind of work it is advisable to work, not to explain who to love and with whom to sleep, not to force beliefs in what to believe and not to interpret their dogmas, and how to nourish your body and especially your soul ...
But is it difficult not to take any actions against a person? It’s even easier, it seems to me ... After all, what could be simpler than healthy indifference and the usual phrase:
- Oh, he jumped a horse and let him live as he knows and wants to live - are there any problems for me?
Really ... Well, what could be so simple than all this? But it’s still difficult to see ... For half of the planet Earth’s population, it’s an unbearable and such a heavy burden ... All the same, how all this is AMAZING, UNKNOWN and MYSTERIOUS ... Maybe on Mars there will be a different attitude to personal space ... Probably ...)))