Things that a woman seeks in her boyfriend to love him more and more

If you want to understand a girl and make her love you, there are simple recommendations of what you need to do. So, what do women seek in men?
What does a woman seek in her future husband?
Being a woman that’s quite a hard thing to do, but unfortunately we don’t choose that, so today I will rely on that fact. Actually, depending on the time of month women tend to have different mood and they want different things from their men. I won’t tell you a lot of secrets today but I will try to open the topic as wide as I can. By the way, all men want to know some special secrets of women. We don’t have them, that’s your imagination.
We always want to see near us a man who would embrace at least three of main features. What do I mean? We have 10-12 features to evaluate if a man is OK for us. This is the first step of evaluation, then other 100 features come out. But today I will talk only about first impression. I hope, lots of men will read this small article and they won’t ask me the same questions every single day in chats.
Here are 10 main features that we seek in men:
1. Man-like appearance. We are sick of those feminine guys of new generation. If you look like a man, we’ll choose you. Don’t ever wear those tiny jeans, lady’s hairstyles and manicure.
2. Financial confidence. You may say that we are a little mercantile. But woman’s brain is a little bit different from man’s one. We always consider if our partner earns enough money for supporting future children. A strategy that was installed into us by nature.
3. Tenderness. You may be rude with people around but you need to be tender with your girlfriend. Otherwise your girl will never be your wife. Remember this when you have a situation to yell at your girlfriend for something.
4. Love for kids. If you like children, then you automatically go up in our inner rating. We hate men who hate kids and that doesn’t depend on our plans for those men. It’s just something that puts us off you if you hate children.
5. Power. I don’t say about those muscles on your arms. I only say about soul power. Be the man and find solutions in hard situations. Sometimes we just want to be weak and rely on our strong man who is always around us.
6. Generosity. You won’t be popular with women if you are greedy. Generosity is not about giving lots of money for clothes and other shopping, it’s about not being mean when we need something. We don’t need you to earn millions, but sometimes spend money on us.
7. Courage. And again lots of man understand this thing differently. By saying that we need courage I mean that a man shouldn’t run faster than a lady when they meet a couple of street robbers. You don’t need to fight everyone around, just be brave in life.
8. Wish to develop. We hate men who don’t want to change. I understand that my boyfriend can have a lot of bad habits or things that I don’t like. But I will really appreciate it if he tries to change. Once you try to develop yourself, you won’t stop doing that.
9. Love to people. Personally I and all my friends hate men who have a lot of hatred inside. That means you need to change a little and be more loving. We understand that such a man will not love us, he will hate us soon after marriage.
10. Kindness. Have you seen in films that bad guys are magnets for women? That’s complete lie. We love good guys because we want our children to be brought up by a good and kind person. So, that’s very important to understand.
When finishing my today’s talk I want to stress a little that it’s not only my list of wishes. Lots of my friends and colleagues agree that this type of man is absolutely suitable for getting married with. If you possess at least 5 of these features, you may go and invite me to chat with you. If not, I’m afraid, we won’t make a good couple.
And what I want to tell is that finding a good man is quite hard these days. That’s why there are a lot of divorces and break-ups in couples. Personally I have had dozens of boyfriends and still I couldn’t say “Yes” to anyone who proposed me. There are less and less good men around us.