My perfect boyfriend – how do I see him?

My perfect boyfriend – how do I see him?
Being perfect in everything – lots of men want to achieve such condition. But is that real? I don’t think so. It’s really hard to be an ideal man for a woman, and that’s not because you need to know a lot. It’s simply because a woman wants to have different things at once and her feelings change a couple of times per day. That’s why don’t wait for any kinds of 100% advice of how to build a perfect boyfriend.
Who is my perfect boyfriend?
He should be really interesting and develop with me. I don’t want my man to work the whole day long and then lie on the sofa telling that he is tired. I want an active guy who wants to see more in life than just work-home-work route.
Also I can’t stand when men are irresponsible. Your task is to take responsibility. So my perfect boyfriend really needs to have that feature in his personality. Are you tired of responsibility? Then you probably won’t find a real woman.
There is another important feature: confidence. Women hate men who aren’t confident and start stepping back in front of any troubles. We believe that a man should be a supporter, a wall between his woman and the cruel world. So, you have to work with confidence in order to become a real man.
Lot’s of boys think that their strong muscles and beautiful body is the only reason they can be popular with girls. But it’s far from truth. Yes, we really love it when guys look good, but it’s much more important to understand the inner side of the person.
Can you have a test to decide whether you are a perfect boyfriend?
There couldn’t be any tests or quizzes which would make you understand what lacks in you for becoming a perfect man for a woman. Also any woman will tell you those secrets. And don’t forget that every single lady is different. We want different things from our men and that changes everyday. You should listen to your girl, adore her and be ready to fulfill her small wishes. That is the way to make her love you even more. So, if you want to pass a perfect boyfriend test, you should know that it doesn’t exist at all.
Why do we change our minds so often?
You might have bumped into situations when your girlfriend started being rude and lost her tender feeling towards you. The next day she could be quite OK and forget about that bad situation. What’s wrong with us? I hear this question quite often and want to clear the answers right now.
There are many reasons which could affect woman’s behavior:
• hormones – yes, we have hundreds of them changing every day of the month, and that changes everything;
• worries – women are tender creatures and they don’t need much reasons to feel depressed or lonely;
• loneliness is another feature – you should never leave your girlfriend alone for more than 2-3 hours;
• lack of support – when we have to cope with our problems by ourselves, we stop being tender and loving;
• attitude – women are sometimes treated as someone who cleans the house and cooks meals, forget about it.
Lot’s of men get divorce from their wives and then find girls who are the same as their ex-wives. Haven’t you thought why it happens? It’s easy – you just have to understand that you will always get the same result in a woman until you change by yourself. Be kind, be generous, love your girlfriend or wife, find time to spend and you will surely be surprised with what kind of result you may get.
Lot’s of ladies are doing their best to understand how to find their perfect boyfriends. So, you have a chance to choose between them and try out your new knowledge on woman psychology.