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Name:Olga, ID: 21384
Category:Ladies' Posts

In the era of high technology, young people are more likely to get acquainted on the Internet than in parks, cafes or clubs. This is convenient because you don’t have to be afraid to be rejected or fight with embarrassment in order to speak first. You can just like or leave a comment under the photo and communication will begin by itself.
But there are also disadvantages. Very often people on social networks and dating sites show themselves better than they really are. Therefore, a blind dating ...

First day the fell is first dating to us!

Name:Viktoria, ID: 21381
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hi, here comes the first day of autumn. In my city, children will go to school tomorrow, some in the first grade, some in the last. And for each of them, this is the beginning of a new, completely different life. I remember my first grade. That's why I compared it to the first date. The first time in first grade was terrible for me. I cried, I didn’t want to go to the teacher, these terrible white bows on my head pressed into my head. A prickly and uncomfortable dress in which it was unbearably ...

My last summer philosophy

Name:Victoriya, ID: 19412
Category:Ladies' Posts

My last summer philosophy

Summer….. let’s all together tell it GOOD BYE ! Today is the 31st of August and summer of 2019 is behind our back. But I am remembering my best moments of this summer. I bought a new swimsuit and that made me happy, how I swam in the sea and met sunrise from the hotel where I lived, how I first tried rafting –something extreme.
There is actually much to remember !!! And that is great! Of course, I would like to share all those beautiful moments with my man but till...

Summer always finish. Life do not stop!

Name:Alina, ID: 19485
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello. Summer finish every year. But life continue. After Summer begin Autumn, after Winter. But even when on the street is cold, life can to be warm and happy. Love can warm up us every season of year.

I want continue my life with love, together with beloved man. I want give and get hot coffee in bed in cold Autumn and Winter mornings. I want wrapped in warm plaid with beloved man and feel sooooo warm... I want feel how Chemistry and passion wake so special feelings in heart and in body....


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