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10 Facts about Ukrainian Women!

Name:Viktoria, ID: 19480
Category:Ladies' Posts

What are Ukrainian women like? How do they live? What do they usually do? Working in an international match-making agency, i have heard these questions a hundred times. So, finally, I am ready to answer in this article and tell you about Ukrainian woman more.
Fact #1. Ukrainian women work a lot. It is not a secret that money has always played a big role in our life. Although, many people say that they can be happy having only a beloved person beside and no money, it is not absolutely true. Unfor...

Independence day - Independence in relationships ? the same?

Name:Marina, ID: 26717
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hi everyone ! It is late time to write a blog but i wanted to share somehting with you. This day I decided to spend on the central city square where there were different performances and interesting workshops. Oh yes ! Special day for my country - THE DAY OF INDEPENDENCE ! It is a nice and special holiday for all countries , when you are free and independent and can build the relationships with other countries. Actually i am thinking about one thing now... Can a woman be independnent when she...

Manifestation of instincts

Name:Nataliya, ID: 20226
Category:Ladies' Posts

I have mom and dad, no sisters and brothers. My mom is lashmaker and working in beauty salon, my dad is
businessman. They had rather hard relationship during all life and dad had a lot of lovers but in the end he
returned to my mom and now they live happy. I don't know is this right or not, but If they are happy I won't
judge them. In all families the term of right relations is different and generally men are polygamous, so from the
one side may be it is a manifestation of instincts. That'...


Name:Katya, ID: 21473
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hi my sweethearts)) How are u?
Travel is one of the most favourite activities of most people. Why do so many people love to travel? Everything is simple, when a person travels, he knows the world around him and himself. That’s why my the biggest dream is to travel. I’d like to see some other countries and to explore them. I have always been interested in learning new languages, cultures and traditions.
Therefore, the main goal and dream in my life is to visit as many countries as possible, inter...

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