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Name:Tatiana, ID: 26719
Category:Ladies' Posts

Everyone waits for this holiday…. Everyone gets prepared for his holiday …. Everyone thinks that something special will happen on this holiday…. Did you guess what holiday I mean ???? Of course that is St.Valentine’s Day !!!!
It would be so nice to create something special for your second half ! Some picture collages, or sweet words and lovely innocent presents that demonstrates your love and true feelings.
Today I have already bought something very sweet for a couple of my friends. They are ...

6 signs that this is not your person.

Name:Natalia, ID: 26320
Category:Ladies' Posts

You met an outwardly pleasant and quite attractive representative of the opposite sex. Friends and acquaintances say that you look good together and are happy for you. And it seems that you yourself think so, and we are moving towards rapprochement. But in the end, nothing good comes out of dating. Constantly somewhere something does not fit, it feels like the clockwork is broken and the gears are slipping, where there should be a clear clutch. Sometimes we begin to realize this when the relatio...

Three ways to hook a man. How to become special in his eyes.

Name:Natalia, ID: 26320
Category:Ladies' Posts

It happens that you are interested in a man, but you do not know how to stand out from his environment? Attract attention?

There are three "magic" ways. And they work as follows.

All of us, no matter how old we are, no matter what we do, and no matter what kind of upbringing we have received, we want to feel special. It is one of the greatest and most unmet human needs. And of course we always pay attention to the one who appreciated us. Once appreciated, it means that he knows a lot about i...

Meeting New Year in Dominicana

Name:Anna, ID: 21511
Category:Ladies' Posts

All Ukrainians connect New Year and winter time with frost and snow and cold season but this year was so special for me. Because I met New Year 2022 at the Atlantic ocean in the Dominican Republic. That was really amazing to see Christmas Tree but in a warm country, Santa Clause when the weather is 28 degrees above zero. Isn’t that fun? )))) Fun and unusual !!! Different countries : Ukraine and Dominicana but the tradition of meeting New Year is the same – parties and all night long.
But f...

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