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Hmm, does it really matter that much what we believe.

Name:Orysia, ID: 27590
Category:Ladies' Posts

Does faith help a person globally? Here are some people who don't believe in anything and they can accomplish quite a lot. Simply because they put their energies into the process. Others, on the other hand, put their energies into just believing. And it turns out to be almost nothing.

Does it depend on where you're pointing? Or is faith not enough, you need desire, aspiration, and purpose? Is faith part of that chain?
Ugh, so many questions and so few answers(.

How Powerful We Are????

Name:Angelina-Romana, ID: 27581
Category:Ladies' Posts

You know, a thought occurred to me. After all, a person can do absolutely anything they want. It's all about desire, isn't it? After all, we have so much power that we can just move mountains).

Of course, it sounds like I'm a hermit monk, ha ha). But it's worth thinking about it). And if you find yourself a partner like that, then what? A rattling mix of power would it be?) Uh, boom and all). Everybody's happy)). Maybe we should do that.)

So, would you mind being my essential ingredient?) Let...

Shame, but still true.

Name:Orysia, ID: 27590
Category:Ladies' Posts

Eh, now the word "soulmate" is used absolutely everywhere (. To work, to the car, the subject, etc. Already lost the magic that was embedded in it. As much as I hate to admit it - but love is a complicated thing now. Doubly so).

But I have a different opinion). I try to do so that the word was something special, unusual and makes the soul quiver when uttered). And I can say it only one person). I can't wait to meet him).

What a beautiful beauty contest it was)

Name:Diana, ID: 27595
Category:Ladies' Posts

Did you watch Miss Universe?) I was very surprised by all the outfits of the contestants). I especially liked the outfit of the girl from USA, France and Venezuela). I think they were the most beautiful and worthy). Yes, there were girls who were no less beautiful). But they are just stunning). I hope everything was fair).

You know, I even once thought about signing up myself). But when I thought better and weighed all the pros and cons decided - that it is better not))). It is unlikely that ...

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