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Name:Inna, ID: 21383
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello. You can always feel great when close to you is beloved. I believe in it and I wish you to find your love very soon! Maybe we can become very close and very special for each other.

Love can be so hot and sunny as summer. Love can warm up every part of our body and our souls. We can look in the eyes of each other and become hot as summer's sun even in most cold winter!

I dream about romantic meeting. I dream to meet with true loving man so soon! I dream just to enjoy love and passion w...

International Kissing day ! – what we should know about it

Name:Veronika, ID: 25799
Category:Ladies' Posts

Does anybody know that the 6th of July is a special day in the life of all societies!!! Who can live without kissing ? NOBODY ! Kissing opens the gate to feelings that give people the feeling of happiness being together . That is why we have such a special INTERNATIONAL day to remember the place that kissing holds in our society !
This holiday started to be official in 2006 and I am so happy that the tradition to celebrate it is supported in many countries. In such way many people, who have ...

I love you. But I love myself more

Name:Yana, ID: 21474
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello everyone!!
You know, I am sure that title of this article will make yo feel strange or curios..I hope at least that you want to read what I will write here))

So, I will not wrire here about self-loving and so on, no no no)) What I want to say, that sometimes being in relationships people (both women and men) start to forget about themself....They got so much into relationship, into partner, interests of someone else..That they forget about themself and what do they want! I do not think t...


Name:Yulia, ID: 19936
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hot summer hello to all of you!
Do you believe in magic rituals and the impact of ancient traditions?
Our ancestors celebrated special holiday. It's being celebrated on the 7th of July and called Midsummer holiday( Ivana Kupala) - the celebration of youth, love and beauty! And It's important for creation a new family!
Usually this holiday young guys and young girls chose a mate. Girls make wreaths from flowers and herbs. A wreath symbolizes the cycle of time, the sun, life. A closed circle o...

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