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The most shocking thing on the date.

Name:Julia, ID: 19495
Category:Ladies' Posts


Everyone wants to impress person on the date to have a continue later. Few centuries ago women wanted to be saved from dragons so poor men wore a metal armour and had fights with everyone to impress lady and won her heart forever. Years ago it was cinema and nice flowers. And with every year it is going to be more harder to impress your beloved with anything extraordinary to win heart and be happy together) People rent balloons, yachts, organize trips to unusual places but still feel not...

The biggest entertainment in a relationship?

Name:Elena, ID: 19487
Category:Ladies' Posts

What is the biggest entertainment for you in a relationship?

I asked this for some reasons) I know that couples always have something what they are doing together in a free time. It could be sport or watching movies etc. But nowadays modern world forget that just not long time ago, years and centuries ago almost the only entertainment were card games. Today it is considering as gambling and in most places it is prohibited. BUT! Would you play card games with a girl? Just as entertainmen...

Passion or love?

Name:Oksana, ID: 19663
Category:Ladies' Posts

I think you will agree that people are more wise with age and people who came to this site to find love also already are wise and have experience in love, dating and maybe in marriage already too. I have a question to you as an adult and wise person, do you confusing passion with love? I think you will agree that both passion and love could be similar in the beginning. You want to see person all the time, you want to kiss him, you want to cuddle him and of course doing other hot things t...

Everything is gonna be alright!

Name:Daria, ID: 21457
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello!! Did you ever think how music can influence on our life? All songs which we listen to can influence on our way of thibnking, our views and so on. Moreover, just looking at playlist you can always understand what kind of person is behind you.

I prefer optimistic music and songs which gives you good mood, energy and power. I think you know this wonderfull phrase from songs of Bob Marley)) Well, he was kind of optimistik and me too) I always believe that Everything's gonna be alrright)) Af...

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